
tipUp tipUp
Round Up Tip
with Bill Split

tipUp is a tip calculator which computes the tip, given the minimum percentage, so that the bill plus tip is equal to a whole dollar amount. The tip will never be lower than the minimum percentage requested.

Now with Apple Watch support!!!
tipUp SplittipUp Split
It also comes with a widget you can install so you can compute your tips from your lock screen.

tipUp Split

Simple to use. Tap to set tip percentage then enter the digits for the bill.

Decimal point is entered automatically so to enter bill amount of $34.95 you just enter digits 3, 4, 9, 5.

tipUp Split

Tip and total bill amounts are computed on the fly. Tip percentage can be changed after entering bill amount.

Auto-clear after ten second delay between typing digits.

Set the split count to a value other than “No Split” and the tip will be increased, and the total divided, so each party pays a whole dollar amount.

tipUp Split

Preferred tip percentage setting is retained and does not need to be entered every time.

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